
Monday, December 21, 2009

The Bee

The bee is a winged insect. Bees live in swarms. A swarm of bees lives in a hive or honey-comb. A swarm of bees is divided into three groups: the queen, the drones and the workers.There is only one queen, bee in a swarm. It does nothing but lay eggs. The drones are the male bees. They do no work but eat honey.when the queen bee has married one of them, the bees in hive are workers. they make the hive with wax. The wax is brought out of their own bodies. A hive consists of little cells. Each cell has six sides. The workers fly out and collect honey from flowers. The honey is stored in the cells. The workers feed the queen bee and look after the beggs. Some guard the hive. The worker-bees are ever busy. We can learn indutry from them.

The Crow

The Crow The crow is a common bird. It is found in many places in our country. The Crow is black in colour.It has a grey head . It is a noisy bird. Its voice is harsh and loud. Its cry is called 'cow'. The crow is a bold and cleaver thief. It comes to our houses and tries to steal our food. If we try to hit it, it flies away quickly. The Crow loves to eat meat. It also eats sweets and fruits. It lives on a tree. crow s live in flocks. They have a great sense of unity. If a crow is hurt, other crows gather round it and begin to caw. The crow is useful as a scavenger. It clears away dirty and rotten things. The crow is supposed to be a messenger. If it comes to our houses and begins to caw, we think some visitor is likely to come.

The Lion and the Mouse

The Lion and the Mouse One day, a lion was sleeping in the forest. At that time, a little muse ran over his body and woke him up.The lion was angry. The lion was angry. he caught the mouse in his paw and was going to kill it.The mouse requested him to let it go. it promised to help him later. The lion set it free. After some days, the lion was caught in a hunter' net. He struggled hard to get out but could not. Just then, the mouse happened to come there. it saw the lion in the net. it gnawed the ropes and set the lion free.

The Hare and the Tortoise

The Hare and the Tortoise A hare and a tortoise lived near each other. The hare was very proud of his swiftness. He looked down upon the tortoise for its slow speed. The tortoise was very sad. one day, it challenged the hare to run a race with it. The hare agreed. They both started together. The hare ran far ahead of the tortoise. He Lay down on the way to have a little rest. He thought he could reach the goal before the tortoise. The hare fell asleep. The tortoise went on slowly and steadily. The hare woke up and ran fast, but the tortoise had reached the winning- post before him.

Principles of family planning

1. focus on individual needs of the Clint.

2. voluntary choice.

3. Empowerment information.

4. confidentiality.

5. consent.

pertional qualities of a family planning counselling:

1. A desire to work & help people.

2. belief in the value of family planning.

3. Respect for people & their right to make decisions for themselves.

4. Comfortable in discussion issues like human sexuality.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Principles of family planning

1. focus on individual needs of the Clint.
2. voluntary choice.
3. Empowerment information.
4. confidentiality.
5. consent.

Personal qualities of a family planning counselling:

1. A desire to work & help people.
2. belief in the value of family planning.
3. Respect for people & their right to make decisions for themselves.
4. Comfortable in discussion issues like human sexuality.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The potato

The potato is a common vegetable. it is used all over the world. it is very cheep. it grows well in light, well drained soil. it was brought from America by Sir walter raleigh. He was an Englishman who lived in the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1 . He was a great adventurer and sailed to America. The potato was first planted in lreland. it grows low on the ground. The potato plant has small red berries. But it is not the fruits that we eat; we eat the roots. So the potato that we use is a root. The potato plant has thick roots. The potato has a thin skin . it is cooked alone or mixed with other vegetables. it is made into different kinds of food. some people are very fond of potato chips. The potato is boiled, roasted or fried. it froms a wholesome food. it is the staple food of the lrish.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The cow

The cow is our national animal. it is sacred animal. we worship the cow on the day of laxmi puja. we value the cow for its usefulness. it gives us milk. milk is a perfect food.babies live on milk . groun-ups also drink milk. milk is a nourshing food. from milk we get butter, cheese and curd. the young one of a cow is called a calf. acalf may be a cow or ox. the ox also is a very usefulanimal. it ploughs fields and drows carts. when a cow dies, its hides and bones are made into different things. there are various kinds of cows. the nepali or indian cow is small in size.the english cow is bigger and gives more milk.we do not take good care of our cows. it welook after the cow well, it will give usmore milk.

my daily life

As i am a student, my daily life is very simple. i generally get up at 6 a. m. i go to the toilet and then brush my teeth. i wash my face. i drink a cup of milk and sit down to study. i do my homework and read my lessons. At 9a.m. ,i take a bath. then i take my meal and go to school. i am a day scholar. i am very attentive in class. i listen carefully to what the teacher say. My school is over at 4 p. m. i return home and take tiffin. i rest an hour and go to the playground. i play for an hour. i return home and wash my hands and feet. i take a little rest and begin to read. After dinner, i go to bed. During holidays, ido not read much. i play games and watch television.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Cat

The cat is a small looks like a small tiger. in fact, the cat belongs to the some family as the tiger.the cat is swift of movement. it runs fast and can take a long jump. the cat has soft fur. there are cat of different colours. some brown,some are black,some are white.the cat is fond of milk. it also likes meat. the cat is kept as a pet. the young one of a cat is called a kitten.children like to play with kittens. the cat likes to sit in warm and cosy loves the place where it lives. the cat is useful because it can kill mice. it can see in the dark. it moves quietly and catches mice.the cat has a clean keeps its body clean and does not like to sit in a dirty places.

The boy andthe Wolf

Once upon a time there was a boy. He used to graze sheep on hillside. sometimes, he got tired of his work and wanted to have some fun. One day, he began to shout,'Wolf1'. The villagers came running to his help. But they did not find any wolf. they were angry with the boy. they knew he had played a trick. One day, a wolf really came. the boy shouted in alarm. But this time nobody came there. The villagers thought he was shouting for fun. The wolf killed some of his sheep. The boy was sad and never played such tricks again.

The two Friends and the Bear

The Two Friends and the Bear Two friends were going to a distant place. They promised to help each other in trouble. While they were passing through a forest, a bear appeared before them. One of them climbed a tree. The other lay down on the ground holding his breath. The bear came up to him and smelt his face. Thinking him to be a dead man, the bear went away. The man who had climbed the tree came down. He asked his friend, "What did the bear tell you?" His friend replied, "The bear told me that a man who deserts his friend in distress should not be trusted."

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Wolf and the Lamb

The hungry wolf reached the bank of a river. A little lamb was drinking water. The wolf went up to it and said , "Why are you making the water dirty? I want to drink some water." The lamb replied , "How can i make the water dirty. It is flowing down from you to me." The wolf then said, "Why did your mother call me a thief last night?" The lamb replied, "Sir, my mother died long ago." At this, the wolf said ,"Then it must have been your father." Saying this, the wolf pounced on the lamb and killed it. the wolf ate it up.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Fox and the Grapes

One day a hungry fox was looking for something to eat . After a long search, he came to a vineyard. He saw some fine grapes hanging high. They were ripe and full of juice. He was very glad. because he could eat to his heart's content. He jumped high to reach the grapes but failed. He jumped again and again but could not get at the grapes. They were too high for him to reach. He was very sad. He was too tired and could make no more effort. He went away, saying "The grapes are sour, i do not want them".

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Newton and His Dog

Sir Isaac Newton was a great scientist of England. He had a cool temper. He had a favourite dog named Diamond. One evening, Newton went out of his study into the next room. He left his dog behind. There were some valuable papers and a burning candle on the table.Newton returned after a while. He saw that the dog had overturned the candle among the papers. The papers were reduced to ashes. They contained the results of his great labours. It was a terrible loss. But Newton did not loss his temper. He simply said, "Diamond, you do not know what mischief you have done. "

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Elephant's Revenge

A elephant- driver was passing through a bazzar. A friend of his gave him a coconut. The driver had nothing to break the coconut. He stuck it against the elephant's head and broke it. He ate the kernel. The elephant was badly hurt. It was angry with the driver and through of taking revenge on the cruel man. Some daws after, they were passing through the bazzer again. The elephant saw some coconuts put up for sale. It picked up one of the nuts and threw it with great force at the driver's head. The driver was immediately killed. The elephant was very glad.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A fox was fond of fun. one day, he invited a stork to dinner. the stork accepted the invitation and went to the fox. the fox brought soup in two shallow dishes. he licked his dish clean, but the stork could not drink. some time after, the fox was chased by hounds. he ran fast and reached the home of the stork. he was hungry. the stork brought two jars with tiny mouths. they contained soup. the stork drank the soup with its bill, but the fox could not drink at all. the stork was very glad. the fox went home disappointed.

the hospital

the hospital is a place where the sick and the wounded are treated. A hospital is run by the Government or a private society. A hospitali may be general hospital, all kinds of disease are treated .In a special hospital,only a particular disease is treated a special hospital may be an eye hospital,a cancer hospital, a maternity hospital or a T.B. hospital. A hospital has three sections :the outdoor, the indoor and the emergency. In the outdoor department,doctors examine patient and prescribe medicines for them. in the indoor department,patients are kept till they recover.the emergency ward is meant for those patients whose treament is urgent. A hospital is provided with all sorts of equipment. there are doctors, health assistants,nurses, servants and sweepers. the hospital is a very useful institution. it is the best place for treament . we should go to a hospital when we are sick.

Monday, November 16, 2009

the cat

The cat is a small looks like a small tiger. in fact, the cat belongs to the some family as the tiger.the cat is swift of movement. it runs fast and can take a long jump. the cat has soft fur. there are cat of different colours. some brown,some are black,some are white.the cat is fond of milk. it also likes meat. the cat is kept as a pet. the young one of a cat is called a kitten.children like to play with kittens. the cat likes to sit in warm and cosy loves the place where it lives. the cat is useful because it can kill mice. it can see in the dark. it moves quietly and catches mice.the cat has a clean keeps its body clean and does not like to sit in a dirty places.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

the cow

The cow is our national animal. it is sacred animal. we worship the cow on the day of laxmi puja. we value the cow for its usefulness. it gives us milk. milk is a perfect food.babies live on milk . groun-ups also drink milk. milk is a nourshing food. from milk we get butter, cheese and curd. the young one of a cow is called a calf. acalf may be a cow or ox. the ox also is a very usefulanimal. it ploughs fields and drows carts. when a cow dies, its hides and bones are made into different things. there are various kinds of cows. the nepali or indian cow is small in size.the english cow is bigger and gives more milk.we do not take good care of our cows. it welook after the cow well, it will give usmore milk.